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2025 Dates!

Sharper Iron
April 11 - 12, 2025
Ages 12 - 18
Price: Friday - Saturday $30
Saturday Only $15
Time - Friday 4:15pm
Saturday 9:30am
The Sharper Iron Youth Rally, hosted at Timber Ridge Bible Camp, is a weekend filled with powerful preaching, God honoring music, fun games, and great food! Don’t let your teens miss out on this great experience!
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Jr. Camp
Ages 7 - 12
Price: $275
Jr. Camp is a place where kids can come and learn more about God and His Creation. Each week is packed with practical Bible lessons that they can easily understand. While they're here they also have the opportunity to learn some skills that they can use for the rest of their lives!
Week 1 - June 9 - 13

Bro. Ken Sparks
Week 2 - June 23 - 27

Bro. Drew Haye
Week 3 - July 14 - 18

Bro. Thomas Simpson
Additional Information
Drop Off Time - Monday 2pm - 3pm
Pick Up Time - Friday 12:30pm - 1pm

Teen Camp
Ages 13 -18
Price: $300
Teen Camp takes teens away from cellphones and social media and places them in an atmosphere where they can develop a relationship with their Creator and make lasting, godly friendships. Each week is structured with classes where they can build skills and chapel sessions that build faith.
Week 1 - June 16 - 21

Bro. Will Geisman
Week 2 - July 7 - 12

Bro. Mike Reid
Week 3 - July 21 - 26

Bro. Ken Sparks
Additional Information
Drop Off Time -Monday 2pm - 3pm
Pick Up Time - Saturday 10:30am - 11am
Men's Advance
September 25 -27
Price: Friday - Saturday - $150
Thursday - Saturday - $200
Checkin - Thursday - 5pm
Checkout - Saturday - 10am
The Warrior Class Men's Advance is a time to challenge and strengthen men to be the soldier that the Lord has called them to be (2 Timothy 2:3-4).
There will be great Bible preaching and workshops for different ages, a time of prayer, delicious food, including a steak dinner! There will also be a time to shoot guns, make knives, fellowship and relax.

Women's Advance
September 12 -13
Price: Overnight - $100
Saturday only - $75
Checkin: Friday 2pm - 3pm
Saturday 8am
The Ladies of Liberty Women's Advance is a weekend of fun, food, fellowship, workshops and challenges from God's Word. Our workshop times will focus on skills that will help us to be better homemakers and become more self-sufficient, thus giving us more "liberty".